IAF Trustees Meeting

CIB Office 300 W. Edwards St., Suite 300, Springfield, IL, United States

Play Day

The Rail Golf Course Springfield, IL, United States

Registration & Lunch - 11:30AM Tee Time - 12:30PM

CIB/IAF Financial Planning Task Force

Broeren Russo Construction, Inc. 602 N. Country Fair Dr., Champaign, IL, United States

Hybrid meeting. Available in-person, Zoom or teleconference.

Executive Committee Meeting

Broeren Russo Construction, Inc. 602 N. Country Fair Dr., Champaign, IL, United States

Hybrid meeting.  Available in-person, Zoom or teleconference.

Executive Committee Meeting

Broeren Russo Construction, Inc. 602 N. Country Fair Dr., Champaign, IL, United States

Budget Review. Hybrid meeting. Available in-person, Zoom or teleconference.

Membership Tailgate

Memorial Stadium Champaign, IL, United States

University of Illinois vs. University of Iowa Game Time: 6:30pm Tailgate: 4:00pm - 6:30pm Tent Location: Grange Grove (West side of Memorial Stadium) View Map